Africa Calling

Low latency professional communication between UK and Rwanda

Long Distance Communication with iPTT’s PoC Solution

iPTT has conducted long distance communication tests between Kigali in Rwanda and the UK, covering a distance of more than 6,500 km (4,000 miles). The test was successful – communication was established within miliseconds with low latency and crystal clear communication.

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iPTT’s international communication capabilities are amongst the best in the professional communication market with solutions which not only provide nationwide but also global communication and tracking capabilities across borders.

The Solution

We used mobile devices (CM-300), handheld devices (CP-300) with iPTT’s multi-network SIMs in the UK and locally sourced Airtel SIMs in Rwanda. We also used the dispatcher installed on PCs for the test, which provides GPS tracking (instant and snail trail), dynamic call groups and voice recordings in addition to voice communication.

iPTT’s PoC Solution

The iPTT PTT over Cellular solution provides:

  1. International Communication across borders anywhere in the world where a mobile signal is available.
  2. Affordable prices.
  3. Robust mobile and handheld devices
  4. Dynamic call groups
  5. Individual/private calls
  6. GPS tracking (including snail trail) and location of who’s taking
  7. Voice Recording
  8. And much more.

For more information about iPTT’s Dispatcher, please click here.

If you want to know more about international PTT, you might also want to read the article about communication between UK and Kurdistan, Iraq. Click here for more information.

If you’re interested in more information about robust and reliable Nationwide and International PTT from iPTT please call iPTT, email iPTT or get in touch

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